Covid19 Update – Level 2 12/8/20

As you will all be aware,  outside of Auckland we are all moving up into Alert Level 2 today until midnight Friday 14 August.  The Centre will remain open under Alert Level 2, however, there will be some changes in place in regards to Level 2 restrictions.  The following will apply:


All those who are in the Centre are to continue to adhere to safe hygiene practices, which include good handwashing, the use of hand sanitizer made available, and the disposal of tissues etc in rubbish bins.
Physical distancing of one metre must be maintained at all times
All those coming into the Centre will be encouraged to use the Contract Tracing App with our QR Code.  This is on the front door and also at reception
We don’t have any large gatherings planned for the remainder of this week – but any gatherings that do take place will be limited to 100 people and physical distancing must be maintained
Our shared lunch on Friday this week will be cancelled
All therapies that require physical contact will be cancelled for this week
Activities, groups, workshops and counselling will continue where physical distancing can be maintained
For all of you who are facilitating groups, activities and workshops today, tomorrow or Friday, we will be in touch this morning to discuss whether it is possible for these to go ahead.  Each activity is slightly different and for some physical distancing will be able to be maintained and for others it won’t.


For those counsellors who are providing counselling over the next three days we will also be in touch to discuss how this can happen and opportunities for counselling sessions to be provided by phone and online where appropriate.


As with last time we were at level 2, we want to make sure that you feel safe and supported and if you wish to cancel your particular activity for this week, I completely understand and support you in this decision.


While this is a disappointing time for us all as a nation, I am sure that with kindness, compassion and our collective strength we will get through this.  Obviously, this is a constantly changing situation and so I will be in touch again if there are any further movements or recommendations from health officials and the government, and with any restrictions that may apply for the coming week.


Take care and stay safe.


Ngā mihi




Amanda Meynell

Service Manager

Heretaunga Women’s Centre (Incorporated Society)