NZ has moved to the red level of the Covid Protection Framework (Traffic Light system). Check out what this means for you.
At this time the Heretaunga Women’s Centre will continue to remain open. All women regardless of their vaccination status are welcome to visit the Centre.
Given that our we are likely to be at Red for some weeks, we are already planning for many of our Term 1 Programme activities that start from 14 February to be delivered online. We have a number of exciting activities on offer this term and we are pleased to still be able to bring these to you in the comfort of your home! Over the next few days we will be sending out our Term 1 programme timetable.
Whilst we remain at Red, our counselling and SuperGrans Heretaunga mentoring sessions will be delivered online or by phone. We will be in touch with all clients directly over the next couple of days to make arrangements that suit you.
Unfortunately, under Red we won’t be hiring out any of our rooms, and our kindness shelf and clothing rack will not be available. We will be unable to provide tea and coffee, or have our usual shared lunches, and we are also unable to take any donated items during this time.
The Centre itself will remain open and you are welcome to come in if you need support, advice or urgent counselling or want to use our public toilet facilities. Or feel free to give us a call on 06 878 5401 or send an email to
If you do pop into the Centre we have the following requirements in place:
• Please use our QR Code or sign in on entry.
• 1 metre distancing is to be maintained at all times.
• Masks must be worn at all times.
• There is a limit of one person at a time in our public toilet facilities.
• Basic hygiene practices are to be maintained.
Take care and stay safe everyone. Kia kaha.