Nomination-Form-HWC-Forum-Blank-2022-updated or forms are available at the HWC reception.
Do you know an incredible woman who makes our community better?
The Heretaunga Womens Centre is pleased to announce nominations are open for our 2022 “Unsung”
Hero Awards. These Awards are an opportunity to recognise women for their previously unnoted
yet valuable community contributions.
Unsung Hero’s are women who don’t always make the news, but truly make a difference. They are
the women who use their time, talent and enthusiasm to enrich the lives of others and make a difference
in the lives of their extended whanau/family, their neighbourhood, their marae and our community at
large. They are mentors, volunteers and go-getters who do what needs to be done without expectations
of recognition or gratitude. These women are the glue that keeps our community together and we are
fortunate that they work so tirelessly.
We are currently seeking nominations from the community for our Unsung Hero of the Year 20221. Why
ask the community at large? Because the community is where these women work, and the good works
that they do are known and recognised. The award will be presented at the Heretaunga Women’s
Centre Annual Women’s Forum: Her Say on Thursday September 8th 2022 from 4.30 to 7.30. Shortlisted nominees
will be invited to attend. If you know an extraordinary woman in your community who you think deserves
to be recognised, then complete and return the nomination form.
close on Thursday 1st September. Please return nominations to the Heretaunga Womens Centre, or post to P O. Box
780 Hastings 4156 or email