HWC Opens Monday 18 May

It is with much excitement that we can advise that from Monday 18 May the Heretaunga Women’s Centre will be open again under Alert Level 2. During this level our opening hours will be Monday to Friday 9am – 3pm. (this is a slight change from our usual hours of 9am to 4pm).

To ensure that we are able to keep the Centre a safe environment for women to visit under Alert Level 2, we will be making some changes to our usual operations:

  1. No one who is unwell or has symptoms of COVID-19 will be permitted to come into the Centre.
  2. All those entering the Centre will be required to maintain safe hygiene practices (regular handwashing, using hand sanitiser, sneezing/coughing into elbow or tissue, immediately putting used tissues in the bin etc) and physical distancing of 2 metres from each other at all times.
  3. We will be recording the contact details of everyone person who comes into the Centre, even if it is just to use the toilet, for contract tracing purposes.
  4. We are currently delivering our Term 2 Programme online and will continue to do so for the remainder of the term.  Some of our courses, activities and therapies have not been able to take place online, and so we will be slowly starting these up at the Centre over the coming weeks.  Please feel free to contact us to discuss any of our courses or activities.  We will keep you updated as we start to resume activities at the Centre.

Our counselling service has continued to operate throughout the lockdown period by phone and online.  Counselling sessions will be resuming at the Centre from Monday 18 May. If you are currently receiving counselling and wish for this to continue by phone or online, this is definitely an option.  You are more than welcome to contact us, or your counsellor directly, to discuss this.

Room Hire
People will be able to hire our rooms under Alert Level 2 provided they are able to ensure safe hygiene practices, 2 metre distancing at all times and for no more than 10 people.  For contract tracing purposes we will require the contact details of anyone who uses the Centre rooms either within or outside of Centre working hours.

Donated Items
For hygiene purposes we will not be taking or giving away any donated items during Alert Level 2.
We will have a rigorous cleaning schedule in place to ensure that the Centre remains safe and clean at all times.

We look forward to seeing you back at the Centre Monday 18 May.  If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact us on the Centre cellphone 020 4085 6695 or by email admin@hwc.nz
From Monday 18 May you will be able to reach us again on our office number 06 878 5401.