Welcome Deidré  who joins the HWC team as our new Service Development Lead and SuperGrans Coordinator

We are delighted to introduce our newest staff member, Deidre Venter, who joins the HWC team as our new Service Development Lead and SuperGrans Coordinator.
Deidré is an Occupational Therapist, and has worked in South Africa and the United Arab Emirates in mental health and specialised education. Deidré also volunteers for the Hastings and Napier Women’s Refuge, and is a Board Member of the Family Violence, Intervention and Prevention Charitable Trust (Family VIP Services).
Her work inspires her to advocate for inclusion and equal opportunities for everyone. Her passion is around helping people to engage in their local communities in meaningful ways.
Deidré is excited to bring her skills and experiences to the HWC team – and we are excited to have her!